Fast and efficient file zipping and unzipping.You need an Intel based Mac running Yosemite (10.10) or above to use iZip.

Version: 3.9 Released: Size: 19 MB Download Now. DOWNLOAD IZIP FREE! IZip is the best FREE archiver for macOS to Zip, Unzip, UNRAR, UNTAR, and expand 7z files. The NCH Express Zip offers free and paid compression services for Mac users. Express Zip lets you quickly and easily compress files and folders into.zip files or unzip/extract and .7z and many other file types for free. Click on Services at the bottom of the Context menu, then choose Unzip, Email as Zip File and Add to Zip. Best of all it's completely free so you can zip, unzip & unrar your files without limitations! Unzip from the Context menu With WinZip for Mac 2.0 or later, you can right-click (or press CTRL and click) your saved Zip files and use the Context Menu to unzip them. IZip is the easiest way to manage ZIP, ZIPX, RAR, TAR, 7ZIP and other compressed files on your Mac.